Middle school is a time of dramatic changes in the lives of youth, from body to school changes. At Faith, we recognize the ongoing changes that middle school students experience and we strive to “walk beside them” as a partner on their journey. The middle school ministry is centered around the Confirmation ministry and its faith development goals. In the Lutheran church, middle school youth are typically called “Confirmands” because of the heavy emphasis on the Confirmation ministry that takes place during the 6th – 8th grade years. More information about Confirmation Ministry is below.
Confirmation Ministry (Middle Schoolers, 6th – 8th grade)
When: Sunday mornings during the school year and retreats
Time: 10:45 AM
Location: Conference Room
At Faith Lutheran Church, we believe informed faithful individuals make better disciples. Therefore, we take time each week during the school year to teach our youth the basics of the faith and teach them Christian living. We teach and instill faith development based on three assumptions that are backed by research. We believe that…
- Faith is taught at home,
- Faith is instilled by parents and close family members,
- The church is a partner with families and individuals in faith formation.
Confirmation is an in-depth faith development program geared for middle school (6th – 8th grade) youth. We focus on basic Christian concepts (Trinity, sanctification, salvation, etc) and the foundations of our Lutheran heritage (The Creed, the Reformation, Martin Luther, Augsburg Confession, The Bible, etc). We teach these concepts through small groups, fun and faithful activities, service projects, weekend retreats, and family activities at home.
We strive to make this an interactive and engaging educational opportunity and not a typical schoolroom experience. The Confirmation Ministry follows the school year calendar with the start of the year in September and finishing with the Rite of Confirmation the first Sunday in May.